Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- trace_ :: (MonadTracing m, HasCallStack) => SpanSpec -> m a -> m a
- trace :: (MonadTracing m, HasCallStack) => SpanSpec -> (MutableSpan -> m a) -> m a
- class Monad m => MonadTracing m where
- traceCS :: CallStack -> SpanSpec -> (MutableSpan -> m a) -> m a
- getSpanContext :: MutableSpan -> m SpanContext
- updateSpan :: MutableSpan -> UpdateSpanSpec -> m ()
- class (MonadTracing m, MonadIO m) => MonadTracingIO m where
- askTracerIO :: m Tracer
- data TracerProvider = TracerProvider {}
- data Tracer = Tracer {
- tracerInstrumentationScope :: InstrumentationScope
- tracerNow :: IO Timestamp
- tracerStartSpan :: CallStack -> Context -> SpanSpec -> IO (MutableSpan, [Pair])
- tracerProcessSpan :: Span Attrs -> IO ()
- tracerSpanAttrsLimits :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpan
- tracerSpanEventAttrsLimits :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanEvent
- tracerSpanLinkAttrsLimits :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanLink
- contextBackendSpan :: ContextBackend MutableSpan
- contextKeySpan :: ContextKey MutableSpan
- data SpanContext = SpanContext {}
- emptySpanContext :: SpanContext
- spanContextIsValid :: SpanContext -> Bool
- spanContextIsSampled :: SpanContext -> Bool
- data TraceId = TraceId {}
- traceIdToHexText :: TraceId -> Text
- traceIdToBytesVector :: TraceId -> Vector Word8
- traceIdToHexBuilder :: TraceId -> Builder
- traceIdToBytesBuilder :: TraceId -> Builder
- emptyTraceId :: TraceId
- traceIdFromWords :: Word64 -> Word64 -> TraceId
- newtype SpanId = SpanId {}
- spanIdToHexText :: SpanId -> Text
- spanIdToBytesVector :: SpanId -> Vector Word8
- spanIdToHexBuilder :: SpanId -> Builder
- spanIdToBytesBuilder :: SpanId -> Builder
- emptySpanId :: SpanId
- spanIdFromWords :: Word64 -> SpanId
- newtype TraceFlags = TraceFlags {}
- traceFlagsToHexText :: TraceFlags -> Text
- traceFlagsToHexBuilder :: TraceFlags -> Builder
- traceFlagsSampled :: TraceFlags
- isSampledFlagSet :: TraceFlags -> Bool
- newtype TraceState = TraceState {}
- emptyTraceState :: TraceState
- nullTraceState :: TraceState -> Bool
- sizeTraceState :: TraceState -> Int
- memberTraceState :: Key Text -> TraceState -> Bool
- lookupTraceState :: Key Text -> TraceState -> Maybe Text
- findWithDefaultTraceState :: Text -> Key Text -> TraceState -> Text
- deleteTraceState :: Key Text -> TraceState -> TraceState
- filterTraceState :: (Text -> Bool) -> TraceState -> TraceState
- filterWithKeyTraceState :: (Key Text -> Text -> Bool) -> TraceState -> TraceState
- foldMapWithKeyTraceState :: forall m. Monoid m => (Key Text -> Text -> m) -> TraceState -> m
- toListTraceState :: TraceState -> [(Key Text, Text)]
- newtype TraceStateBuilder a = TraceStateBuilder {}
- buildTraceState :: forall m. MonadThrow m => TraceStateBuilder TraceState -> m TraceState
- buildTraceStatePure :: TraceStateBuilder TraceState -> Either TraceStateErrors TraceState
- newtype SpanEvents (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) = SpanEvents {
- unSpanEvents :: DList (SpanEvent attrs)
- spanEventsFromList :: [SpanEvent attrs] -> SpanEvents attrs
- spanEventsToList :: SpanEvents attrs -> [SpanEvent attrs]
- freezeAllSpanEventAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> SpanEvents AttrsBuilder -> SpanEvents Attrs
- data SpanEvent (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) = SpanEvent {}
- freezeSpanEventAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> SpanEvent AttrsBuilder -> SpanEvent Attrs
- newtype SpanEventSpecs = SpanEventSpecs {}
- singletonSpanEventSpecs :: SpanEventSpec -> SpanEventSpecs
- spanEventSpecsFromList :: [SpanEventSpec] -> SpanEventSpecs
- spanEventSpecsToList :: SpanEventSpecs -> [SpanEventSpec]
- data SpanEventSpec = SpanEventSpec {}
- defaultSpanEventSpec :: SpanEventSpec
- newtype SpanEventName = SpanEventName {}
- newtype SpanLinks (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) = SpanLinks {
- unSpanLinks :: DList (SpanLink attrs)
- spanLinksFromList :: [SpanLink attrs] -> SpanLinks attrs
- spanLinksToList :: SpanLinks attrs -> [SpanLink attrs]
- freezeAllSpanLinkAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanLink -> SpanLinks AttrsBuilder -> SpanLinks Attrs
- newtype SpanLinkSpecs = SpanLinkSpecs {}
- singletonSpanLinkSpecs :: SpanLinkSpec -> SpanLinkSpecs
- spanLinkSpecsFromList :: [SpanLinkSpec] -> SpanLinkSpecs
- spanLinkSpecsToList :: SpanLinkSpecs -> [SpanLinkSpec]
- data SpanLink (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) = SpanLink {
- spanLinkSpanContext :: SpanContext
- spanLinkAttrs :: attrs 'AttrsForSpanLink
- freezeSpanLinkAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanLink -> SpanLink AttrsBuilder -> SpanLink Attrs
- newtype SpanLinkName = SpanLinkName {}
- data SpanLinkSpec = SpanLinkSpec {}
- defaultSpanLinkSpec :: SpanLinkSpec
- data SpanSpec = SpanSpec {}
- defaultSpanSpec :: SpanSpec
- data UpdateSpanSpec = UpdateSpanSpec {}
- defaultUpdateSpanSpec :: UpdateSpanSpec
- buildSpanUpdater :: forall m. Monad m => m Timestamp -> UpdateSpanSpec -> m (Span AttrsBuilder -> Span AttrsBuilder)
- recordException :: SomeException -> Bool -> TimestampSource -> AttrsBuilder 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> UpdateSpanSpec
- exceptionEvent :: SomeException -> Bool -> TimestampSource -> AttrsBuilder 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> SpanEventSpec
- newtype SpanName = SpanName {
- unSpanName :: Text
- newtype MutableSpan = MutableSpan {}
- unsafeNewMutableSpan :: Span AttrsBuilder -> IO MutableSpan
- unsafeReadMutableSpan :: MutableSpan -> IO (Span AttrsBuilder)
- unsafeModifyMutableSpan :: MutableSpan -> (Span AttrsBuilder -> (Span AttrsBuilder, a)) -> IO a
- data Span (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) = Span {
- spanLineage :: SpanLineage
- spanContext :: SpanContext
- spanName :: SpanName
- spanStatus :: SpanStatus
- spanStart :: Timestamp
- spanFrozenAt :: SpanFrozenAt attrs
- spanKind :: SpanKind
- spanAttrs :: attrs 'AttrsForSpan
- spanLinks :: SpanLinks attrs
- spanEvents :: SpanEvents attrs
- spanIsRecording :: Bool
- spanInstrumentationScope :: InstrumentationScope
- spanIsRemote :: Span attrs -> Bool
- spanIsSampled :: Span attrs -> Bool
- spanIsRoot :: Span attrs -> Bool
- spanIsChildOf :: Span attrs -> Span attrs -> Bool
- type family SpanFrozenAt (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) :: Type where ...
- data SpanFrozenTimestamp
- frozenTimestamp :: SpanFrozenTimestamp -> Timestamp
- freezeSpan :: Timestamp -> AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanLink -> AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpan -> Span AttrsBuilder -> Span Attrs
- data SpanLineage
- data SpanKind
- data SpanStatus
In general, changes to this module will not be reflected in the library's version updates. Direct use of this module should be done with utmost care, otherwise invariants will easily be violated.
trace_ :: (MonadTracing m, HasCallStack) => SpanSpec -> m a -> m a Source #
trace :: (MonadTracing m, HasCallStack) => SpanSpec -> (MutableSpan -> m a) -> m a Source #
class Monad m => MonadTracing m where Source #
Minimal complete definition
traceCS :: CallStack -> SpanSpec -> (MutableSpan -> m a) -> m a Source #
default traceCS :: (MonadTransControl t, MonadTracing n, m ~ t n) => CallStack -> SpanSpec -> (MutableSpan -> m a) -> m a Source #
getSpanContext :: MutableSpan -> m SpanContext Source #
default getSpanContext :: (MonadTrans t, MonadTracing n, m ~ t n) => MutableSpan -> m SpanContext Source #
updateSpan :: MutableSpan -> UpdateSpanSpec -> m () Source #
default updateSpan :: (MonadTrans t, MonadTracing n, m ~ t n) => MutableSpan -> UpdateSpanSpec -> m () Source #
class (MonadTracing m, MonadIO m) => MonadTracingIO m where Source #
Minimal complete definition
askTracerIO :: m Tracer Source #
default askTracerIO :: (MonadTrans t, MonadTracingIO n, m ~ t n) => m Tracer Source #
data TracerProvider Source #
TracerProvider | |
Fields |
data SpanContext Source #
SpanContext | |
ToJSON SpanContext Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods toJSON :: SpanContext -> Value # toEncoding :: SpanContext -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [SpanContext] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [SpanContext] -> Encoding # omitField :: SpanContext -> Bool # | |
Show SpanContext Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SpanContext -> ShowS # show :: SpanContext -> String # showList :: [SpanContext] -> ShowS # | |
Eq SpanContext Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
spanContextIsValid :: SpanContext -> Bool Source #
traceIdToHexText :: TraceId -> Text Source #
traceIdToHexBuilder :: TraceId -> Builder Source #
spanIdToHexText :: SpanId -> Text Source #
spanIdToHexBuilder :: SpanId -> Builder Source #
spanIdToBytesBuilder :: SpanId -> Builder Source #
emptySpanId :: SpanId Source #
spanIdFromWords :: Word64 -> SpanId Source #
newtype TraceFlags Source #
TraceFlags | |
Fields |
ToJSON TraceFlags Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods toJSON :: TraceFlags -> Value # toEncoding :: TraceFlags -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [TraceFlags] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [TraceFlags] -> Encoding # omitField :: TraceFlags -> Bool # | |
Monoid TraceFlags Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods mempty :: TraceFlags # mappend :: TraceFlags -> TraceFlags -> TraceFlags # mconcat :: [TraceFlags] -> TraceFlags # | |
Semigroup TraceFlags Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods (<>) :: TraceFlags -> TraceFlags -> TraceFlags # sconcat :: NonEmpty TraceFlags -> TraceFlags # stimes :: Integral b => b -> TraceFlags -> TraceFlags # | |
Show TraceFlags Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TraceFlags -> ShowS # show :: TraceFlags -> String # showList :: [TraceFlags] -> ShowS # | |
Eq TraceFlags Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
traceFlagsToHexText :: TraceFlags -> Text Source #
isSampledFlagSet :: TraceFlags -> Bool Source #
newtype TraceState Source #
TraceState | |
Fields |
ToJSON TraceState Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods toJSON :: TraceState -> Value # toEncoding :: TraceState -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [TraceState] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [TraceState] -> Encoding # omitField :: TraceState -> Bool # | |
Show TraceState Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TraceState -> ShowS # show :: TraceState -> String # showList :: [TraceState] -> ShowS # | |
Eq TraceState Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal | |
KV (TraceStateBuilder TraceState) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Associated Types type KVConstraints (TraceStateBuilder TraceState) :: Type -> Type -> Constraint # Methods (.@) :: KVConstraints (TraceStateBuilder TraceState) from to => Key to -> from -> TraceStateBuilder TraceState # | |
type KVConstraints (TraceStateBuilder TraceState) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
nullTraceState :: TraceState -> Bool Source #
sizeTraceState :: TraceState -> Int Source #
memberTraceState :: Key Text -> TraceState -> Bool Source #
lookupTraceState :: Key Text -> TraceState -> Maybe Text Source #
findWithDefaultTraceState :: Text -> Key Text -> TraceState -> Text Source #
deleteTraceState :: Key Text -> TraceState -> TraceState Source #
filterTraceState :: (Text -> Bool) -> TraceState -> TraceState Source #
filterWithKeyTraceState :: (Key Text -> Text -> Bool) -> TraceState -> TraceState Source #
foldMapWithKeyTraceState :: forall m. Monoid m => (Key Text -> Text -> m) -> TraceState -> m Source #
toListTraceState :: TraceState -> [(Key Text, Text)] Source #
newtype TraceStateBuilder a Source #
TraceStateBuilder | |
Fields |
buildTraceState :: forall m. MonadThrow m => TraceStateBuilder TraceState -> m TraceState Source #
newtype SpanEvents (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) Source #
SpanEvents | |
spanEventsFromList :: [SpanEvent attrs] -> SpanEvents attrs Source #
spanEventsToList :: SpanEvents attrs -> [SpanEvent attrs] Source #
freezeAllSpanEventAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> SpanEvents AttrsBuilder -> SpanEvents Attrs Source #
data SpanEvent (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) Source #
SpanEvent | |
freezeSpanEventAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> SpanEvent AttrsBuilder -> SpanEvent Attrs Source #
newtype SpanEventSpecs Source #
SpanEventSpecs | |
Fields |
Monoid SpanEventSpecs Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods mappend :: SpanEventSpecs -> SpanEventSpecs -> SpanEventSpecs # mconcat :: [SpanEventSpecs] -> SpanEventSpecs # | |
Semigroup SpanEventSpecs Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods (<>) :: SpanEventSpecs -> SpanEventSpecs -> SpanEventSpecs # sconcat :: NonEmpty SpanEventSpecs -> SpanEventSpecs # stimes :: Integral b => b -> SpanEventSpecs -> SpanEventSpecs # |
data SpanEventSpec Source #
SpanEventSpec | |
IsString SpanEventSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods fromString :: String -> SpanEventSpec # | |
WithAttrs SpanEventSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Associated Types type WithAttrsAttrType SpanEventSpec :: AttrsFor # Methods (.:@) :: SpanEventSpec -> AttrsBuilder (WithAttrsAttrType SpanEventSpec) -> SpanEventSpec # | |
type WithAttrsAttrType SpanEventSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
newtype SpanEventName Source #
SpanEventName | |
Fields |
ToJSON SpanEventName Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods toJSON :: SpanEventName -> Value # toEncoding :: SpanEventName -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [SpanEventName] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [SpanEventName] -> Encoding # omitField :: SpanEventName -> Bool # | |
IsString SpanEventName Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods fromString :: String -> SpanEventName # | |
Show SpanEventName Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SpanEventName -> ShowS # show :: SpanEventName -> String # showList :: [SpanEventName] -> ShowS # | |
Eq SpanEventName Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods (==) :: SpanEventName -> SpanEventName -> Bool # (/=) :: SpanEventName -> SpanEventName -> Bool # |
newtype SpanLinks (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) Source #
SpanLinks | |
spanLinksFromList :: [SpanLink attrs] -> SpanLinks attrs Source #
spanLinksToList :: SpanLinks attrs -> [SpanLink attrs] Source #
freezeAllSpanLinkAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanLink -> SpanLinks AttrsBuilder -> SpanLinks Attrs Source #
newtype SpanLinkSpecs Source #
SpanLinkSpecs | |
Fields |
Monoid SpanLinkSpecs Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods mempty :: SpanLinkSpecs # mappend :: SpanLinkSpecs -> SpanLinkSpecs -> SpanLinkSpecs # mconcat :: [SpanLinkSpecs] -> SpanLinkSpecs # | |
Semigroup SpanLinkSpecs Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods (<>) :: SpanLinkSpecs -> SpanLinkSpecs -> SpanLinkSpecs # sconcat :: NonEmpty SpanLinkSpecs -> SpanLinkSpecs # stimes :: Integral b => b -> SpanLinkSpecs -> SpanLinkSpecs # |
data SpanLink (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) Source #
SpanLink | |
freezeSpanLinkAttrs :: AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanLink -> SpanLink AttrsBuilder -> SpanLink Attrs Source #
newtype SpanLinkName Source #
SpanLinkName | |
Fields |
IsString SpanLinkName Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods fromString :: String -> SpanLinkName # | |
Show SpanLinkName Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SpanLinkName -> ShowS # show :: SpanLinkName -> String # showList :: [SpanLinkName] -> ShowS # | |
Eq SpanLinkName Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
data SpanLinkSpec Source #
SpanLinkSpec | |
WithAttrs SpanLinkSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Associated Types type WithAttrsAttrType SpanLinkSpec :: AttrsFor # Methods (.:@) :: SpanLinkSpec -> AttrsBuilder (WithAttrsAttrType SpanLinkSpec) -> SpanLinkSpec # | |
type WithAttrsAttrType SpanLinkSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
SpanSpec | |
IsString SpanSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods fromString :: String -> SpanSpec # | |
WithAttrs SpanSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Associated Types type WithAttrsAttrType SpanSpec :: AttrsFor # Methods (.:@) :: SpanSpec -> AttrsBuilder (WithAttrsAttrType SpanSpec) -> SpanSpec # | |
type WithAttrsAttrType SpanSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
data UpdateSpanSpec Source #
UpdateSpanSpec | |
IsString UpdateSpanSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods fromString :: String -> UpdateSpanSpec # | |
WithAttrs UpdateSpanSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Associated Types type WithAttrsAttrType UpdateSpanSpec :: AttrsFor # Methods (.:@) :: UpdateSpanSpec -> AttrsBuilder (WithAttrsAttrType UpdateSpanSpec) -> UpdateSpanSpec # | |
type WithAttrsAttrType UpdateSpanSpec Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
buildSpanUpdater :: forall m. Monad m => m Timestamp -> UpdateSpanSpec -> m (Span AttrsBuilder -> Span AttrsBuilder) Source #
recordException :: SomeException -> Bool -> TimestampSource -> AttrsBuilder 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> UpdateSpanSpec Source #
exceptionEvent :: SomeException -> Bool -> TimestampSource -> AttrsBuilder 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> SpanEventSpec Source #
SpanName | |
newtype MutableSpan Source #
MutableSpan | |
Fields |
unsafeModifyMutableSpan :: MutableSpan -> (Span AttrsBuilder -> (Span AttrsBuilder, a)) -> IO a Source #
data Span (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) Source #
Span | |
spanIsRemote :: Span attrs -> Bool Source #
spanIsSampled :: Span attrs -> Bool Source #
spanIsRoot :: Span attrs -> Bool Source #
type family SpanFrozenAt (attrs :: AttrsFor -> Type) :: Type where ... Source #
SpanFrozenAt AttrsBuilder = Maybe Timestamp | |
SpanFrozenAt Attrs = SpanFrozenTimestamp |
data SpanFrozenTimestamp Source #
ToJSON SpanFrozenTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods toJSON :: SpanFrozenTimestamp -> Value # toEncoding :: SpanFrozenTimestamp -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [SpanFrozenTimestamp] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [SpanFrozenTimestamp] -> Encoding # omitField :: SpanFrozenTimestamp -> Bool # | |
Show SpanFrozenTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SpanFrozenTimestamp -> ShowS # show :: SpanFrozenTimestamp -> String # showList :: [SpanFrozenTimestamp] -> ShowS # | |
Eq SpanFrozenTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods (==) :: SpanFrozenTimestamp -> SpanFrozenTimestamp -> Bool # (/=) :: SpanFrozenTimestamp -> SpanFrozenTimestamp -> Bool # |
freezeSpan :: Timestamp -> AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanLink -> AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpanEvent -> AttrsLimits 'AttrsForSpan -> Span AttrsBuilder -> Span Attrs Source #
data SpanLineage Source #
SpanLineageRoot | |
SpanLineageChildOf SpanContext |
ToJSON SpanLineage Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods toJSON :: SpanLineage -> Value # toEncoding :: SpanLineage -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [SpanLineage] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [SpanLineage] -> Encoding # omitField :: SpanLineage -> Bool # | |
Show SpanLineage Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SpanLineage -> ShowS # show :: SpanLineage -> String # showList :: [SpanLineage] -> ShowS # | |
Eq SpanLineage Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal |
data SpanStatus Source #
SpanStatusUnset | |
SpanStatusError Text | |
SpanStatusOk |
ToJSON SpanStatus Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods toJSON :: SpanStatus -> Value # toEncoding :: SpanStatus -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [SpanStatus] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [SpanStatus] -> Encoding # omitField :: SpanStatus -> Bool # | |
Show SpanStatus Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SpanStatus -> ShowS # show :: SpanStatus -> String # showList :: [SpanStatus] -> ShowS # | |
Eq SpanStatus Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal | |
Ord SpanStatus Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Trace.Core.Internal Methods compare :: SpanStatus -> SpanStatus -> Ordering # (<) :: SpanStatus -> SpanStatus -> Bool # (<=) :: SpanStatus -> SpanStatus -> Bool # (>) :: SpanStatus -> SpanStatus -> Bool # (>=) :: SpanStatus -> SpanStatus -> Bool # max :: SpanStatus -> SpanStatus -> SpanStatus # min :: SpanStatus -> SpanStatus -> SpanStatus # |