Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class KV (kv :: Type) where
- type KVConstraints kv :: Type -> Type -> Constraint
- (.@) :: KVConstraints kv from to => Key to -> from -> kv
- class (k ~ Text, v ~ Text) => IsTextKV k v
- newtype Key a = Key {}
- newtype Timestamp = Timestamp {}
- timestampFromNanoseconds :: Integer -> Timestamp
- timestampToNanoseconds :: Timestamp -> Integer
- data TimestampSource
- data InstrumentationScope = InstrumentationScope {}
- defaultInstrumentationScope :: InstrumentationScope
- newtype InstrumentationScopeName = InstrumentationScopeName {}
- newtype Version = Version {}
- newtype SchemaURL = SchemaURL {
- unSchemaURL :: Text
- schemaURLFromText :: Text -> Either Text SchemaURL
- schemaURLToText :: SchemaURL -> Text
- class WithAttrs (a :: Type) where
- type WithAttrsAttrType a :: AttrsFor
- (.:@) :: a -> AttrsBuilder (WithAttrsAttrType a) -> a
- data Attrs (af :: AttrsFor) = Attrs {}
- emptyAttrs :: Attrs af
- nullAttrs :: Attrs af -> Bool
- sizeAttrs :: Attrs af -> Int
- memberAttrs :: Key a -> Attrs af -> Bool
- lookupAttrs :: forall a af. KnownAttrType a => Key a -> Attrs af -> Maybe (Attr a)
- foldMapWithKeyAttrs :: forall m af. Monoid m => (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> m) -> Attrs af -> m
- filterWithKeyAttrs :: forall af. (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> Bool) -> Attrs af -> Attrs af
- mapWithKeyAttrs :: forall af. (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> Attr a) -> Attrs af -> Attrs af
- convertWithKeyAttrs :: forall af. (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> SomeAttr) -> Attrs af -> Attrs af
- droppedAttrsCount :: Attrs af -> Int
- newtype AttrsBuilder (af :: AttrsFor) = AttrsBuilder {}
- runAttrsBuilder :: AttrsBuilder af -> AttrsLimits af -> Attrs af
- jsonAttrs :: forall a af. ToJSON a => Text -> a -> AttrsBuilder af
- data AttrsAcc = AttrsAcc {}
- data AttrsBuilderElem = AttrsBuilderElem {}
- data AttrsFor
- data AttrsLimits (af :: AttrsFor) = AttrsLimits {}
- defaultAttrsLimits :: AttrsLimits af
- data SomeAttr where
- data Attr a = Attr {}
- asTextAttr :: Attr a -> Attr Text
- newtype AttrVals a = AttrVals {
- unAttrVals :: Vector a
- data AttrType (a :: Type) where
- AttrTypeText :: AttrType Text
- AttrTypeBool :: AttrType Bool
- AttrTypeDouble :: AttrType Double
- AttrTypeInt :: AttrType Int64
- AttrTypeTextArray :: AttrType (AttrVals Text)
- AttrTypeBoolArray :: AttrType (AttrVals Bool)
- AttrTypeDoubleArray :: AttrType (AttrVals Double)
- AttrTypeIntArray :: AttrType (AttrVals Int64)
- class KnownAttrType a where
- attrTypeVal :: Proxy a -> AttrType a
- class KnownAttrType to => ToAttrVal from to | from -> to where
- toAttrVal :: from -> to
- with :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
- newtype OnException a = OnException {
- runOnException :: SomeException -> [SeriesElem] -> LoggingT IO a
- askException :: OnException SomeException
- askExceptionMetadata :: OnException [SeriesElem]
- newtype OnTimeout a = OnTimeout {
- runOnTimeout :: Int -> [SeriesElem] -> LoggingT IO a
- askTimeoutMicros :: OnTimeout Int
- askTimeoutMetadata :: OnTimeout [SeriesElem]
- data BufferedLoggerSpec = BufferedLoggerSpec {
- bufferedLoggerSpecShouldBuffer :: Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> Bool
- bufferedLoggerSpecLogger :: Logger
- bufferedLoggerSpecFlushPeriod :: Int
- bufferedLoggerSpecFlushTimeout :: Int
- bufferedLoggerSpecOnFlushTimeout :: BufferedLogs -> OnTimeout ()
- bufferedLoggerSpecOnFlushException :: BufferedLog -> BufferedLogAgg -> OnException ()
- bufferedLoggerSpecOnFlushExceptionLogger :: Logger
- bufferedLoggerSpecIncludeLogAggregate :: BufferedLog -> BufferedLogAgg -> [SeriesElem] -> LogStr
- defaultBufferedLoggerSpec :: BufferedLoggerSpec
- includeLogAggregateViaAeson :: forall a. ToJSON a => (BufferedLogAgg -> Maybe a) -> BufferedLog -> BufferedLogAgg -> [SeriesElem] -> LogStr
- withBufferedLogger :: forall m a. MonadUnliftIO m => BufferedLoggerSpec -> (Logger -> m a) -> m a
- withBufferedLoggerIO :: forall a. BufferedLoggerSpec -> (Logger -> IO a) -> IO a
- type BufferedLogs = HashMap BufferedLog BufferedLogAgg
- insertBufferedLog :: BufferedLog -> KeyMap Value -> BufferedLogs -> BufferedLogs
- insertBufferedLogWithAgg :: BufferedLog -> BufferedLogAgg -> BufferedLogs -> BufferedLogs
- data BufferedLog = BufferedLog {}
- toBufferedLog :: Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> (BufferedLog, KeyMap Value)
- data BufferedLogAgg = BufferedLogAgg {}
- type Logger = Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()
In general, changes to this module will not be reflected in the library's version updates. Direct use of this module should be done with utmost care, otherwise invariants will easily be violated.
class KV (kv :: Type) where Source #
Associated Types
type KVConstraints kv :: Type -> Type -> Constraint Source #
(.@) :: KVConstraints kv from to => Key to -> from -> kv infixr 8 Source #
KV (AttrsBuilder af) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Associated Types type KVConstraints (AttrsBuilder af) :: Type -> Type -> Constraint Source # Methods (.@) :: KVConstraints (AttrsBuilder af) from to => Key to -> from -> AttrsBuilder af Source # |
Timestamp | |
data TimestampSource Source #
TimestampSourceNow | |
TimestampSourceAt Timestamp |
Show TimestampSource Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TimestampSource -> ShowS # show :: TimestampSource -> String # showList :: [TimestampSource] -> ShowS # | |
Eq TimestampSource Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods (==) :: TimestampSource -> TimestampSource -> Bool # (/=) :: TimestampSource -> TimestampSource -> Bool # |
data InstrumentationScope Source #
InstrumentationScope | |
newtype InstrumentationScopeName Source #
InstrumentationScopeName | |
Fields |
SchemaURL | |
ToJSON SchemaURL Source # | |
Show SchemaURL Source # | |
Eq SchemaURL Source # | |
Ord SchemaURL Source # | |
Hashable SchemaURL Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal |
schemaURLToText :: SchemaURL -> Text Source #
class WithAttrs (a :: Type) where Source #
Associated Types
type WithAttrsAttrType a :: AttrsFor Source #
(.:@) :: a -> AttrsBuilder (WithAttrsAttrType a) -> a infixr 6 Source #
emptyAttrs :: Attrs af Source #
lookupAttrs :: forall a af. KnownAttrType a => Key a -> Attrs af -> Maybe (Attr a) Source #
foldMapWithKeyAttrs :: forall m af. Monoid m => (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> m) -> Attrs af -> m Source #
filterWithKeyAttrs :: forall af. (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> Bool) -> Attrs af -> Attrs af Source #
mapWithKeyAttrs :: forall af. (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> Attr a) -> Attrs af -> Attrs af Source #
convertWithKeyAttrs :: forall af. (forall a. Key a -> Attr a -> SomeAttr) -> Attrs af -> Attrs af Source #
Equivalent to mapWithKeyAttrs
but allows for changing both the type and
value of each attribute rather than just the value of the attribute.
droppedAttrsCount :: Attrs af -> Int Source #
newtype AttrsBuilder (af :: AttrsFor) Source #
AttrsBuilder | |
Fields |
Monoid (AttrsBuilder af) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods mempty :: AttrsBuilder af # mappend :: AttrsBuilder af -> AttrsBuilder af -> AttrsBuilder af # mconcat :: [AttrsBuilder af] -> AttrsBuilder af # | |
Semigroup (AttrsBuilder af) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods (<>) :: AttrsBuilder af -> AttrsBuilder af -> AttrsBuilder af # sconcat :: NonEmpty (AttrsBuilder af) -> AttrsBuilder af # stimes :: Integral b => b -> AttrsBuilder af -> AttrsBuilder af # | |
KV (AttrsBuilder af) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Associated Types type KVConstraints (AttrsBuilder af) :: Type -> Type -> Constraint Source # Methods (.@) :: KVConstraints (AttrsBuilder af) from to => Key to -> from -> AttrsBuilder af Source # | |
type KVConstraints (AttrsBuilder af) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal |
runAttrsBuilder :: AttrsBuilder af -> AttrsLimits af -> Attrs af Source #
AttrsAcc | |
Fields |
data AttrsBuilderElem Source #
AttrsBuilderElem | |
Fields |
data AttrsLimits (af :: AttrsFor) Source #
AttrsLimits | |
Fields |
ToJSON (AttrsLimits af) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods toJSON :: AttrsLimits af -> Value # toEncoding :: AttrsLimits af -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [AttrsLimits af] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [AttrsLimits af] -> Encoding # omitField :: AttrsLimits af -> Bool # |
defaultAttrsLimits :: AttrsLimits af Source #
asTextAttr :: Attr a -> Attr Text Source #
Convert an attribute to a text attribute.
This function is identity if the attribute already is a text attribute.
Otherwise, the attribute value is passed to show
AttrVals | |
data AttrType (a :: Type) where Source #
class KnownAttrType a where Source #
attrTypeVal :: Proxy a -> AttrType a Source #
KnownAttrType Int64 Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
KnownAttrType Text Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
KnownAttrType Bool Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
KnownAttrType Double Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
KnownAttrType (AttrVals Int64) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
KnownAttrType (AttrVals Text) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
KnownAttrType (AttrVals Bool) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
KnownAttrType (AttrVals Double) Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal |
class KnownAttrType to => ToAttrVal from to | from -> to where Source #
newtype OnException a Source #
OnException | |
OnTimeout | |
data BufferedLoggerSpec Source #
BufferedLoggerSpec | |
includeLogAggregateViaAeson Source #
:: forall a. ToJSON a | |
=> (BufferedLogAgg -> Maybe a) | Summarizes the aggregated info |
-> BufferedLog | |
-> BufferedLogAgg | |
-> [SeriesElem] | |
-> LogStr |
withBufferedLogger :: forall m a. MonadUnliftIO m => BufferedLoggerSpec -> (Logger -> m a) -> m a Source #
withBufferedLoggerIO :: forall a. BufferedLoggerSpec -> (Logger -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
insertBufferedLog :: BufferedLog -> KeyMap Value -> BufferedLogs -> BufferedLogs Source #
data BufferedLog Source #
BufferedLog | |
Fields |
ToJSON BufferedLog Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods toJSON :: BufferedLog -> Value # toEncoding :: BufferedLog -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [BufferedLog] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [BufferedLog] -> Encoding # omitField :: BufferedLog -> Bool # | |
Eq BufferedLog Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal | |
Hashable BufferedLog Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal |
toBufferedLog :: Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> (BufferedLog, KeyMap Value) Source #
data BufferedLogAgg Source #
BufferedLogAgg | |
Fields |
ToJSON BufferedLogAgg Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods toJSON :: BufferedLogAgg -> Value # toEncoding :: BufferedLogAgg -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [BufferedLogAgg] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [BufferedLogAgg] -> Encoding # omitField :: BufferedLogAgg -> Bool # | |
Semigroup BufferedLogAgg Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods (<>) :: BufferedLogAgg -> BufferedLogAgg -> BufferedLogAgg # sconcat :: NonEmpty BufferedLogAgg -> BufferedLogAgg # stimes :: Integral b => b -> BufferedLogAgg -> BufferedLogAgg # | |
Eq BufferedLogAgg Source # | |
Defined in OTel.API.Common.Internal Methods (==) :: BufferedLogAgg -> BufferedLogAgg -> Bool # (/=) :: BufferedLogAgg -> BufferedLogAgg -> Bool # |