{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Debounce an action, ensuring it doesn't occur more than once for a given
-- period of time.
-- This is useful as an optimization, for example to ensure that logs are only
-- flushed to disk at most once per second.
-- Example usage:
-- @
-- printString <- 'mkDebounce' 'defaultDebounceSettings'
--                  { 'debounceAction' = putStrLn "Running action"
--                  , 'debounceFreq' = 5000000 -- 5 seconds
--                  , 'debounceEdge' = 'DI.trailingEdge' -- Trigger on the trailing edge
--                  }
-- @
-- >>> printString
-- Running action
-- >>> printString
-- <Wait five seconds>
-- Running action
-- See the fast-logger package ("System.Log.FastLogger") for real-world usage.
-- @since 0.1.2
module Control.Debounce
    ( -- * Type
    , defaultDebounceSettings
      -- * Accessors
    , DI.debounceFreq
    , DI.debounceAction
    , DI.debounceEdge
    , DI.leadingEdge
    , DI.trailingEdge
      -- * Creation
    , mkDebounce
    ) where

import           Control.Concurrent      (newEmptyMVar, threadDelay)
import qualified Control.Debounce.Internal as DI

-- | Default value for creating a 'DebounceSettings'.
-- @since 0.1.2
defaultDebounceSettings :: DI.DebounceSettings
defaultDebounceSettings :: DebounceSettings
defaultDebounceSettings = DI.DebounceSettings
    { debounceFreq :: Int
DI.debounceFreq = Int
    , debounceAction :: IO ()
DI.debounceAction = () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
    , debounceEdge :: DebounceEdge
DI.debounceEdge = DebounceEdge

-- | Generate an action which will trigger the debounced action to be performed.
-- @since 0.1.2
mkDebounce :: DI.DebounceSettings -> IO (IO ())
mkDebounce :: DebounceSettings -> IO (IO ())
mkDebounce DebounceSettings
settings = do
  MVar ()
baton <- IO (MVar ())
forall a. IO (MVar a)
  MVar () -> (Int -> IO ()) -> DebounceSettings -> IO (IO ())
DI.mkDebounceInternal MVar ()
baton Int -> IO ()
threadDelay DebounceSettings